So what is cupping and how does it work? Cupping is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is an ancient practice where suction cups are left on the body for 10 - 15 mins to address circulation to the muscles, fascia and other tissues. The process leaves cup marks - they look like a bruise but they aren’t, the darker the marks the more blockages or tension in the area. The marks, of course, fade over time. There are different types of cups - glass, bamboo, silicone. My favourite thing about cupping is the impact it can have - in a short time clients really feel the benefits - relaxed, looser muscles, and better function - sometimes clients tell me they even feel taller.
Cupping works by 3 primary mechanisms…
1. Negative pressure - so the cup sucks or lifts the tissues creating negative pressure which allows for the separation of tissues that are fused or stuck. If tissues are stuck they don’t work so well - so when unstuck they function better.
2. Vasodilation - cups stimulate the production of vaso activating chemicals which encourage blood vessels to dilate, this brings fluids, blood and nutrition into the area.
2. Enhanced or improved fluid exchange - cups act as a vacuum pulling fluids into the area promoting fluid exchange - they can pull blood into the area, and also lymph bringing new circulation which in turn feeds the tissues and aids recovery.
From a TCM perspective cupping moves the Qi - when the Qi is blocked it causes pain - and the cups stimulate the free flow of Qi, unblocking and allowing free flow again.
In studio I use cupping for clients every day - it can be helpful for all sorts of musculo skeletal pain - back, neck, shoulders, knees etc. I also find cupping across the lung area useful for lingering lung conditions, coughs and colds and sinusitis. And dont forget facial cupping - for de-puffing, lifting and glow!
If you are interested in chatting with me about how cupping might be helpful for you please feel free to be in touch: 086 8115877, or you could book a free consultatiuon call.